
(Above: Allegation specifically for hulu turning anon 1's friends against them)



Racism/Racial Stereotyping

Prerequisite Information:

Context: Hulu and I (Luka) were in a call and she was streaming her brother's friend's Minecraft server to me. On the server there were lots of swastika banners and just lots of Nazi imagery. I didn't record nor take screenshots of the event, but Hulu insultingly called her friend a jew in the chat.

Hulu and I would bring up a "pufferfish in an item frame" in the following screenshots. The pufferfish was named the n slur with a hard R, and Hulu said the word out loud and was making a big joke of it all.

I was uncomfortable and asked Hulu to not do those things in general, but as you'll see she just continued to stereotype people or make a joke out of their race.

If there's anything you'd derive from these screenshots, it's that Hulu has issues with making tasteless jokes. It's ultimately up to you, the reader, to decide if you're alright with these things.

Roleplaying Abusive Dynamic With Minors


Anon 1's Account

[ NOTE: This account will be written in the 3rd person due to Anon 1's want for anonymity and distance from reexperiencing the situation. I have received permission from them to write their account on their behalf. ]

Anon1 has known Hulu since the time Hulu joined the Danganronpa RP server, which was March 3rd of 2020. They eventually started talking more, and the exact time is unknown when they started talking. Anon1 was 14 at the time and Hulu had recently turned 17.

(Below: The date that Hulu joined the DR server.)

They eventually got to ERPing (erotic roleplaying) and, by Anon1's account, if they didn't want to erp then Hulu would ignore them for a time and express heavy disappointment in their choice.

Hulu has basically pressured Anon1 into doing ERPs with her, and could guilt them into roleplaying by giving the silent treatment.

Additional References + Conclusions

There are several other people who have come forward and discussed with me that they wish to remain distanced from the situation. I'm allowed to make references to their situation in passing, but not to show their name or any screenshots with them in it.

However, it is very important for readers to hear that Hulu has manipulated, harassed, and gaslit minors before.

To protect their identities and by their request, I'm unable to provide screenshots or evidence. However, I have seen the screenshots for myself, and there are people who can vouch for seeing those events unfold.

From what I have experienced personally with Hulu and what others have relayed to me it is clear that Hulu had a tendency to want to be in a position of power.

Hulu expressed that she felt like a mentor to everyone in the Danganronpa server. Please note that in the DR server, the age range was from 12-15. Hulu was the outlier at 17/18. In the screenshots that I was unable to show, people collectively agreed that Hulu was definitely bullying her junior.

My point by bringing this up is that Hulu is not meant to be around people younger than her, and she has demonstrated her potential to manipulate.


As I stated at the beginning of this carrd, the intentions of me compiling and creating this callout was NOT to harass or defame Hulu. My intention was to bring to light the various disgusting things she has done behind closed doors, and to hopefully have Hulu change for the better and seek help.

What I've learned from Hulu is that she has an inability to truly learn lessons without being outright told and confronted to extreme degrees. After hearing that Hulu has not apologized for all of the disgusting shit she did, and simply left the DR servers, it unsettles and disgusts me deeply that she has not taken full accountability.

As a minor, writing to other minors- please be careful. My and my friend's trauma is very real and what Hulu had us endure and relive was terrible. Hulu has demonstrated to me countless times that she cannot follow up on apologies, and she cannot follow up on change. So until Hulu can seek professional help and reevaluate herself for a long time, it should be assumed that minors will not be able to safely interact with her.

To adults reading this- If you are friends or mutuals with Hulu, decide whether or not to continue associating with her. I understand if you have a drive to help her become a better person, but please listen to me when I say this: I was the closest person to Hulu for an entire year and both of us have shared our trauma to each other.
You cannot change or encourage her. Supporting, advising, and coddling her will not result in any beneficial change.

If there's anything to take away from this callout, please let it be this: Hulu cannot be changed or swayed by regular people. She has to seek professional help and fully realize from this situation that her affects on these kids was real.

To Hulu-
My DMs are open. Please message me when you can, I need to tell you some important things.